Tuesday, September 2, 2008

and here we go!!!!

Well, I just got back from my doctor's appointment and there's been lots of change since last week. I had an ultrasound today and Dean's estimated to weigh 6 pounds 7 ounces. My doctor is starting to get concerned because his belly is measuring about 3-4 weeks behind (which could just mean he's a little baby). My amniotic fluid dropped and my placenta looks aged, so they're concerned that my placenta is not doing everything it should be. Based on that, he said he was going to induce me on Monday.

Then he checked and I'm 3-4 cm dialated and 100% effaced. I'm also having contractions, but just nothing regular. He said he really doesn't expect me to still be pregnant on Monday. I've noticed a lot more contractions today than usual and I definitely feel different, so hopefully that means that Dean will be here soon! Monday at the latest though!


Anonymous said...

You and Dean are in our prayers! We hope everything goes well for you whether it's Monday or before. We're so glad that Dean hung in there a little longer. Can't wait to see pictures! We'll miss you this weekend in Dallas though!

Rory-n-Jeremy said...

Wow, good luck Christine - I'll be thinking about you and looking forward to some pictures soon! =)

The Holmes Family said...

YAY! We are excited for you and can't wait to see pictures. Way to go...I'm so happy you went full term.
Tanya and Rodrick