Thursday, July 31, 2008

Before Pictures

In typical Matthew and Christine fashion, we decided that preparing for Dean's arrival was not enough for us to be concerned about. We decided to remodel our bathroom less than 6 weeks before Dean's due date. We have been thinking about it for a long time, but kept putting it off. The reason we decided we needed to remodel the bathroom is that, since our house was built in the 1950s and people didn't take as many showers, we have a window in our shower. The people who lived here before us did not use our room as the master, so it wasn't an issue for them. But after three years of showers, the window has begun to rot and cause problems. So, we finally decided to go ahead and remodel it so we can enjoy some of the benefit of it. We hired some great contractors and they started the demolition yesterday.
Here's what it looked like before:

The problematic window:
They are finishing the removal of the lovely tile today and should have the tub installed today too. The tile guys are coming tomorrow to lay the tile floor. I'll take more pictures tonight.


Unknown said...

Very cool. PERFECT timing!